CPR Professor offers some of the most comprehensive online and blended training programs in CPR, AED, and First Aid. Our nationally recognized training courses include adult, child, and infant techniques at no additional costs to our students. CPR Professor certification courses are taught using the highest safety training standards, and include the most recently published training materials and guidelines.
Get certified fast! All students receive a digital certificate immediately following successful course completion, and physical wallet certification cards mailed to you. CPR Professor’s easy to understand material and course layout makes becoming certified an enjoyable and educational experience that will allow you to respond to an emergency situation with confidence. Certification courses are valid for first time training participants as well as individuals seeking recertification.
Our goal is to provide students with a quality training experience in a low-stress training environment such as your home or office. We believe in the importance of acquiring knowledge and skills that can be the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. We stay on top of the latest training developments so our courses follow current national and international guidelines for CPR/AED and first aid techniques. Following completion of our innovative training courses, you'll be certified for two full years.
All CPR Professor safety training programs have a blended option. If the certification you wish to achieve requires a skills test or practical application test for a specific technique, we can connect you with a local ASTI-certified instructor who can assess your skills and provide supplemental training. Please contact us to check the availability of a proctor station in your area. A small fee does apply to blended training courses that is paid at the time of on-site assessment.